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Human Readable Glossary Generator Tool (HRGT)

The Human Readable Glossary Generator Tool (HRGT) is a TEv2 text conversion tool that takes files that contain so-called MRGRefs as inputs, and that outputs (a copy of) these files in which these MRGRefs are converted into hrg-lists, i.e. lists of alphabetically sorted HRG entries that can be further processed by tools such as the TRRT, as well as rendering tools such as GitHub pages, Docusaurus, etc.

While MRGRefs have a default syntax, alternative syntaxes can be used by choosing (or specifying) the interpreter that the HRGT should be using.

Hrg-lists do not have a default structure, but there are various [predefined converters](#predefined-interpreters) that can be chosen (or specified) for the HRGT to use.

Installing the Tool

The tool can be installed from the command line and made globally available by executing

npm install -g @tno-terminology-design/hrgt
Before running the tool from the command line, make sure you have met the necessary prerequisites depending on your operating environment.

  1. Node.js and NPM: Ensure Node.js and NPM are installed.
  2. Global Installation: If you have installed the package globally, confirm the global NPM modules path by running npm config get prefix. The global modules are usually stored under <prefix>/node_modules.
  3. Environment Variables: Add the path to global NPM binaries to your system's PATH environment variable. This should be <prefix> on Windows. To add to PATH, you can edit your environment variables or run set PATH=%PATH%;<prefix> in the CMD.

Calling the Tool

The behavior of the TRRT can be configured per call e.g. by a configuration file and/or command line parameters. The command line syntax is as follows:

hrgt [ <paramlist> ] [ <globpattern> ]


  • <paramlist> is an (optional) list of parameters, as specified in the table below.
  • globpattern (optional) specifies a set of (input) files that are to be processed. If a configuration file is used, its contents may specify an additional set of input files to be processed.

The columns in the following table are defined as follows:

  1. Parameter specifies the parameter and further specifications
  2. Req'd specifies whether (Y) or not (n) the field is required to be present when the tool is being called. If required, it MUST either be present in the configuration file, or as a command line parameter.
  3. Description specifies the meaning of the Value field, and other things you may need to know, e.g. why it is needed, a required syntax, etc.

If a configuration file used, the long version of the parameter must be used (without the preceding --).

-V, --versionnoutput the version number of the tool.
-c, --config <path>nPath (including the filename) of the tool's (YAML) configuration file.
-o, --output <dir>Y(Root) directory for output files to be written.
-s, --scopedir <path>YPath of the scope directory where the SAF is located.
-int, --interpreter <type> or <regex>nSpecifies the interpreter to be used to detect MRGRefs. This can either be a predefined interpreter, or a regex.
-con, --converter <type> or <hexpr>nSpecifies the converter to be used to produce HRG lists. This can either be a predefined converter, or a handlebars expression. See HRG Converters for details.
-sort, --sort <type> or <hexpr>nSpecifies the value to be used to sort HRG lists. This can either be a predefined value, or a handlebars expression.
-f, --forcenAllow overwriting of existing files.
-h, --helpndisplay help for command.

HRG Generation

All text conversion tools, including the HRGT, convert (input) text files into results (output text files) by locating particular text patterns, doing some processing, and constructing texts that are used to replace the located text patterns with. This is illustrated in the figure below, and further explained in the page TEv2 Text Conversion:

The generic text conversion pattern on which the toolbox is basedFigure 1: The (generic) parts of a Text Conversion

The following subsections specify the particulars of the HRGT: the interpreter profile, its predefined interpreters, the intermediate processing, the construction of its converter profile, its predefined converters, and the predefined sorters.

HRGT Interpreter Profile

The interpreter profile of the HRGT consist of the following named capturing groups:

  1. Group name of the capturing group;
  2. Req'd specifies whether (Y) or not (n, or F) the group is required to have non-empty contents. The F means that we reserve this field for Future Use.
  3. Description specifies the meaning (purpose) for which the contents of the capturing group will be used.
hrgnA terminology-identifier that specifies the MRG for which a HRG is to be generated.
converternSpecifies the converter to be used to produce HRG entries. This can either be a predefined converter, or a handlebars expression. See HRG Converters for details.
sorternSpecifies the sorter to be used for sorting the HRG list. This can either be a predefined sorter, or a handlebars expression. See HRG Sorters for details.

HRGT Predefined Interpreters

The HRGT has only one predefined intepreter, which is called default, the syntax of which is:

{% hrg="<hrg>" converter="<converter>" sorter="<sorter>" %}


For completeness, here is the [regex] that defines the default interpreter for the HRGT.



The purpose of the HRGT is to allow source texts to contain MRGRefs that are to be converted into hrg-lists.

To do that, the HRGT uses the interpreter to locate subsequent MRGRefs in its input files, and for each of them, processes the named capturing groups that the interpreter populates. From this, it will attempt to find the MRG for which a corresponding HRG is to be generated. When found, it will walk through the MRG entries in that MRG, and for each of them, populate moustache variables as specified in the HRGT converter profile, and use the specified converter to produce the HRG entries that will be populating the hrg-list. These HRG entries will be sorted according to the sorter that is specified.

Finding the MRG associated with an MRGRef

The MRG file associated with an MRGRef is found by resolving the terminology identifier that is specified in the named capturing group hrg, which leads to a valid scopetag and versiontag.

Since all MRGs follow the MRG naming conventions, it follows that the MRG that corresponds with a terminology identifier is in the file mrg.<scopetag>.<versiontag>.yaml in the glossarydir of the current scope.

Sorting the HRG list

The HRG list contains elements that are assocated with one MRG entry, one HRG entry, and one value that is used for sorting. This value is the result from evaluating (the handlebars expression specified by) the sorter, using moustache variables that come from the converter profile of the HRGT. See HRG Sorters for details.

HRGT Converter Profile

The converter profile of the HRGT consists of a set of moustache variables that are populated from the following sources.

Note that MRG entries may have fields that are not required by the TEv2 specifications, but by the curator(s) of the terminology to which the such MRG entries belong. Such fields are then also available as moustache variables as part of the converter profile for the HRGT.

HRGT Predefined Converters

The following tabs specify the predefined converters for the TRRT.

The markdown-table-row converter is defined by the following handlebars expression.

| [{{#if glossaryTerm}}{{glossaryTerm}}{{else}}{{capFirst term}}{{/if}}]({{localize navurl}}) | {{#if glossaryText}}{{glossaryText}}{{else}}no `glossaryText` was specified for this entry.{{/if}} |\n

HRGT Predefined Sorters

A HRG is a sorted list of HRG entries, where sorting can be done in various ways. By default (i.e. when the sort option isn't specified), this is done as specified by the (predefined) default sorting option.

The predefined sorting options are as follows:

Predefined optionWhat it does
defaultSorting of HRG entries is done by using the term field of their corresponding MRG entries as sort value. If multiple entries with the same term field contents, exist, these entries are then sorted according to their termType field, making the sort unique.1
glossaryTermSorting of HRG entries is done by using the glossaryTerm field of their corresponding MRG entries as sort value. If the glossaryTerm field does not exist, sorting value is computed using the default sorting methods.

Alternatively, you can specify a mustache/handlebars template. Every field in the MRG entry that is being converted can be used as a variable. So, specifying --sorter "{{glossaryText}}" would sort the HRG according to the contents of the glossaryText field in the MRG entries.


Suppose that within the current scope:

The table would then be specified as follows:

| Term | Description |
| :--- | :---------- |
{% hrg="myterms:test" converter="markdown-table-row" %}

When this markdown file is processed by the HRGT, a new file is created where the above text has been converted into the following:

| Term | Description |
| :--- | :---------- |
| Glossary | an alphabetically sorted list of <a href="/tev2-specifications/docs/terms/term" title="Term: a word or phrase (i.e.: text) that is used to represent (Identify) a specific Semantic Unit (in some Scope).">terms</a> with the (single) meaning it has in (at least) one context. |
| Curator (of a Scope) | a person responsible for curating, managing, and maintaining the <a href="/tev2-specifications/docs/terms/terminology" title="Terminology: a set of Terms that are used within a single Scope to refer to Concepts and other Semantic Units of a single Party (e.g. a Community), enabling Parties to reason and communicate ideas they have about one or more specific topics.">terminologies</a>, to ensure shared understanding among a <a href="" title="Community: a Party, consisting of at least two different Parties (the members of the Community) that seek to collaborate with each other so that each of them can achieve its individual Objectives more efficiently and/or effectively.">community</a> working together on a particular set of <a href="" title="Objective: Something toward which a Party (its Owner) directs effort (an aim, goal, or end of action).">objectives</a>. |
| Definition | the combination of a <a href="/tev2-specifications/docs/terms/term" title="Term: a word or phrase (i.e.: text) that is used to represent (Identify) a specific Semantic Unit (in some Scope).">term</a> and a descriptive text, where the <a href="/tev2-specifications/docs/terms/term" title="Term: a word or phrase (i.e.: text) that is used to represent (Identify) a specific Semantic Unit (in some Scope).">term</a> refers to a <a href="/tev2-specifications/docs/terms/concept" title="Concept: a Semantic Unit that captures the ideas/thoughts behind a classification of Entities (what makes Entities in that class 'the same').">concept</a> or other <a href="/tev2-specifications/docs/terms/semantic-unit" title="a basic building block of meaning or representation that exists within the 'mind' of a party, e.g., a concept, relation, or property. Parties use terms (words/phrases) to refer to these intangible building blocks.">semantic unit</a>, and the descriptive text enables a set of <a href="" title="Party: an Entity that sets its Objectives, maintains its Knowledge, and uses that Knowledge to pursue its Objectives in an autonomous (sovereign) manner. Humans and Organizations are the typical examples.">parties</a> to have the same understanding about that <a href="/tev2-specifications/docs/terms/concept" title="Concept: a Semantic Unit that captures the ideas/thoughts behind a classification of Entities (what makes Entities in that class 'the same').">concept</a>. Ideally, the descriptive text is a criterion that such <a href="" title="Party: an Entity that sets its Objectives, maintains its Knowledge, and uses that Knowledge to pursue its Objectives in an autonomous (sovereign) manner. Humans and Organizations are the typical examples.">parties</a> can use to determine what is, and what is not, an instance (or example) of that <a href="/tev2-specifications/docs/terms/concept" title="Concept: a Semantic Unit that captures the ideas/thoughts behind a classification of Entities (what makes Entities in that class 'the same').">concept</a>. |

Further examples are provided on the Glossary Generation Demo page

Errors and Warnings

The HRGT starts by reading its command line and optional configuration file. If the command line has a key that is also found in the configuration file, the command line key-value pair takes precedence. The resulting set of key-value pairs is tested for proper syntax and validity. Every improper syntax and every invalidity found will be logged. Improper syntax may be e.g. an invalid globpattern. Invalid conditions include non-existing directories or files, lack of write-permissions where needed, etc.

The HRGT logs every error- and/or warning condition that it comes across while processing its configuration file, command line parameters, and input files, in a way that helps tool-operators and document authors to identify and fix such conditions.

Deploying the Tool

The HRGT comes with documentation that enables developers to ascertain its correct functioning (e.g. by using a test set of files, test scripts that exercise its parameters, etc.), and also enables them to deploy the tool in a git repo and author/modify CI-pipes to use that deployment.

  1. Note that the value of the termid field of an MRG entry is unique within the MRG that holds the MRG entry - it serves as a 'primary key'. That's why sorting first on the term field and then on the termType field makes the sort unique. Also note that this sorting differs from sorting on the termid field itself, as this would result in an HRG in which the entries are grouped according to their termType - thus concepts, patterns, and other kinds of semantic units are then grouped.