📄️ TRRT - Term Ref Resolution
The Term Ref Resolution Tool (TRRT) is a TEv2 text conversion tool that takes files that contain so-called TermRefs as inputs, and that outputs (a copy of) these files in which these TermRefs are converted into renderable refs.
📄️ MRG Import
text to mark
📄️ MRG Terminology Construction
Curators need the ability to construct (different versions of) the terminology for any scope they curate. This page documents
📄️ MRGT - MRG Generation
Documentation needs to be adjusted for:
📄️ HRGT - HRG Generation
The Human Readable Glossary Generator Tool (HRGT) is a TEv2 text conversion tool that takes files that contain so-called MRGRefs as inputs, and that outputs (a copy of) these files in which these MRGRefs are converted into hrg-lists, i.e. lists of alphabetically sorted HRG entries that can be further processed by tools such as the TRRT, as well as rendering tools such as GitHub pages, Docusaurus, etc.