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A Scopetag is a tag that is used to identify scopes, e.g. in TermRefs.

Scopetags identify a scope (from within a given scope), and hence can be used (within that given scope) to disambiguate terms.

The terminology pattern provides an overview of how this concept fits in with related concepts.


A Scopetag (of/within a scope) is a tag that is used within that scope to identify itself or other scopes. It satisfies the regex [a-z0-9_-]+.


Examples of scopetags are essif-lab, essiflab, toip, or ctwg.


Discussions about which regex a tag should satisfy must be held with care. For example, one might argue that allowing the . character for versiontags might be beneficial. However, allowing a . character in a scopetag may cause problems with (the alternative syntax) of TermRefs, as email address in square brackets might then qualify as a TermRef while that is very likely not the author's intention.