📄️ Curated Text Files
Every curated text consists of two parts:
📄️ Body Files
A body file contains the body of a curated text, i.e. the text that documents a semantic unit, but has no a-priori structure whatsoever (as that would be part of the header of that curated text).
📄️ SAF (Scope Admin File)
A Scope Administration File (SAF) is a YAML file, named saf.yaml, that provides a centralized record of the resources available in that scope, facilitating their access by various tools involved in terminology management. It specifies where its curated texts, glossaries etc. live, the relationships it has with other scopes, and the specifications of the different terminologies that are curated within that scope. The SAF of a scope is located in its scopedir.
📄️ HRG (Human Readable Glossary)
📄️ MRG (Machine Readable Glossary)
An MRG or Machine Readable Glossary is a glossary for a particular (version of a) terminology that is formatted in YAML, according to the TEv2 MRG specifications, to enable automated processing and integration with software systems. Unlike dictionaries, the terms in an MRG are not ambiguous and have clear and well-defined meanings.
📄️ MRD (Machine Readable Dictionary)
📄️ HRD (Human Readable Dictionary)
📄️ TEv2 Config Files
Every TEv2 tool execution can be configured using a configuration file that specifies the parameters (arguments) that otherwise would need to be supplied on the command line. The file is supplied by using the command line parameter -c or --config , where `` is the path (including the filename).