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Term Identifier

A Term Identifier is a text that is used for identifying a semantic unit within a designated terminology. This means that it can be used for selecting an MRG entry that exists in the MRG associated with that terminology. It does NOT mean that any such text will actually identify such an MRG entry. Term identifiers can be ambiguous (refer to multiple MRG entries). It is also possible that a term identifier does not identify any such MRG entry.

Similarly, term identifiers can be used for identifying the curated text that describes the semantic unit within a designated terminology. Here, too, term identifiers exist that are ambiguous, or do not refer to any curated text.


The syntax for a term identifier is:



Semantics - Looking for MRG entries

A term identifier can be used to refer to an MRG entry in the MRG that documents a particular terminology. This is done as follows:

  1. First, the term identifier is split at the @-sign, where the part behind the @-sign identifies the terminology and hence the MRG that contains all MRG entries thereof. This set of MRG entries is what we start out with.
  2. Then, we process the part in front of the @-sign, as follows:
    1. we only keep MRG entries whose term field equals the value specified by term;
    2. if termType: is specified, we only keep MRG entries whose termType field equals the value specified by termType;
    3. If the set of MRG entries that are kept includes more than one element, we only keep the MRG entries whose termType field contains the value specified by the defaulttype field as specifiedin the MRG.
  3. Now we're done with selecting. In case the number of elements in the set of MRG entries is


In the following examples, we assume that

terminology-identifierfull terminology-identifier: