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Human Readable Glossary (HRG)

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This document specifies the contents of the Human Readable Glossary file (HRG).

A HRG is a glossary is meant to be readable by humans, so that they can find out the meaning of terms as they are used in the context in which that glossary is valid. Thus, HRGs come in human readable formats, such as HTML or PDF.

HRGs are generated by the HRGT tool, which allows its output to be highly customized. For example, the tool expects that its user specifies
  • the set of terms that need to be included;
  • the particular way in which a term (and its description) appear in the HRGT
  • any attributes (e.g. contributors, authors, license information etc.) need to be part of such a description, or need to be mentioned in the beginning or the end of the HRG
  • etc.

File naming conventions

Within (the glossarydir of) a particular scopedir, we can generate (or import) and hence find all HRG-files that are needed within that scope. We use the following file naming convention:

hrg.<scopetag>.<vsntag>.<output> is the name of a file that contains an actual HRG, or it is a file that links (references) such a file, where:

  • <scopetag>.<vsntag> is taken from the MRG-file from which the HRG is generated. See MRG file naming for details.
  • <output> is a text that has been provided by the user that generated the HRG. It includes the file extension (e.g., PDF, HTML, etc.) that is appropriate for its contents. See HRG generation for details.

This naming convention enables tools (as well as curators and others) that operate within a particular scope, to quickly find a particular HRG that is relevant for that scope.

Editor's note

We need to decide whether this document actually describes

  • (the possible structures of) HRGs, or
  • the ways in which the generation of an HRG can be specified